
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Wyoming includes asset management in its Capacity Development self-assessment questionnaire and encourages all water systems to create asset management plans. Construction permits require approved operations and maintenance manuals prior to commissioning.

MentorAPM in

Water systems that use MentorAPM can easily report on asset management metrics for capacity development questionnaires.

Did you know

Wyoming is home to Yellowstone National Park, the first designated national park in the world and home to half the world's geysers.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • A Capacity Development Self-Assessment Questionnaire (that includes asset management) is required for all loan recipients.


  • All new or modified community and non-community non-transient water systems are required to demonstrate capacity development, which includes asset management questions.
  • Construction permits require an approved operations and maintenance manual, that includes an asset management plan, for each new or modified facility prior to start-up.


  • Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) provides trainings and events to encourage all PWSs to develop asset management plans.
  • WDEQ works with PWSs and technical assistance providers with implementing their asset management plan.
  • WDEQ has online asset management spreadsheets and guidance documents.
  • Asset management questions are in the Capacity Development Self-Assessment Questionnaire.


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