
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Wisconsin offers robust incentives for asset management through numerous grant and loan opportunities, trainings, and online resources.

MentorAPM in

Public water systems using MentorAPM can easily create and update their asset management plans  with important asset data following the EPA Five Core Question Framework: 1. Current State of Assets 2. Level of Service, 3. Critical Assets 4. Lifecycle Cost 5. Long-term funding.

Did you know

Wisconsin has more than 15,000 lakes and produces 60 percent of the nation's cranberries.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • All systems submitting asset management plans for the first-time to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) can earn 20 Priority Evaluation and Ranking Formula (PERF) points on loan applications.  Previous applicants with an existing asset management plan can earn 15 PERF points for updating their asset management plan. An additional 10 PERF points can be earned if utility boards have at least 50 percent of their members receive asset management training.
  • Asset management is encouraged via Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP) funding, principal forgiveness, grants, etc.
  • Wisconsin DNR promotes asset management continuing education courses funded by set-asides.
  • Principal forgiveness points on SDWLP applications are available for municipalities with asset management plans.


  • Sanitary surveys and annual inspections are used to encourage asset management.


  • Multiple asset management trainings, with an emphasis on small systems, are available through partnerships with technical assistance. Wisconsin DNR developed four online training modules, with topics including asset management. Continuing education credits through these modules are available to certified operators.
  • Wisconsin DNR staff have presented on asset management at various conferences. An asset management webpage is available for public access, which includes tools and resources on asset management.
  • Technical assistance is available through the state’s technical assistance partners and Wisconsin DNR. EPA grants for technical assistance are utilized by Great Lakes Community Action Partnership of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Rural Water Association, and Wisconsin DNR includes asset management as one of its top priorities to be carried out with these grants.
  • The Wisconsin DNR asset management webpage includes asset management tools and guides. The Environmental Loans webpage also includes asset management guidance and steps to qualify for principal forgiveness points.


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