
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Washington state requires that all water system planning documents include asset management and offers DWSRF bonus points for completing asset management training and/or completing an asset inventory.

MentorAPM in

Public water systems in Washington can use MentorAPM to create and maintain their asset inventories as part of their qualifying asset management plans.

Did you know

Washington has the 2nd most glaciers of any state. These glaciers are primarily found in the Cascade Range and Olympic Mountains. They play a crucial role in the state’s water supply, feeding rivers and streams.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • PWS who attend asset management training or complete an asset inventory can be awarded DWSRF bonus points.
  • Asset management funding is available through the DWSRF preconstruction and construction loans. Drinking water systems can also access asset management funding through The Small Communities Initiative.
  • A technical assistance contract with the Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) is funded by set asides, providing direct assistance for asset management for systems and trainings.


  • All noncommunity water systems (NCWSs) and CWSs not required to complete a water system plan are required to develop and implement a Small Water System Management Program. The program requires a budget, list of planned improvements, and component inventory and assessment for submission and approval.
  • Asset management is required in all water systems planning documents. Systems cannot expand without asset management in the system’s water system plan.


  • The state provides asset management training through technical assistance and passive interventions. Evergreen Rural Water of Washington provides asset management training and technical assistance.
  • A majority of asset management assistance is through technical intervention, such as webinars through third-party technical assistance providers, individualized and group technical assistance.
  • The state partners with the Utilities and Transportation Commission, and the Departments of Commerce and Ecology to provide financing and guidance on asset management. The state also provides RCAC’s asset inventory worksheet.
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