
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Virginia offers funding assistance for asset management programs and requires asset management plans for new systems. DWSRF loan principal forgiveness up to $15,000 is available to systems with an asset management plan.

MentorAPM in

MentorAPM can help drinking water systems develop, maintain and update their asset management plans to comply with Virginia regulations and qualify for DWSRF assistance.

Did you know

Virginia is on Chesapeake Bay, North America’s largest estuary and the world’s third largest. The Bay has more than 11,000 miles of tidal shoreline, more than the entire US west coast.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Priority points for asset management, engineering planning, distribution system leakage reporting can be awarded to DWSRF applicants.
  • The Planning and Design Grants and Small Project Engineering Services program funds asset management activities.
  • DWSRF set-aside funds are used for technical assistance related to asset management.
  • Systems are required to create an asset management plan for DWSRF projects or update their current plan if it is over five years old. Non-compliance with the conditions of DWSRF loans can be utilized to mandate the implementation of capacity enhancement measures. Systems that develop an asset management plan can receive up to $15,000 in principal forgiveness.


  • New systems are required by state code to develop thorough business plans with asset management.


  • Virginia’s Office of Drinking Water provides an asset management training course to PWS staff. Virginia Tech, Mountain Empire Community College, and the Virginia Section of the American Water Works Association also provide training sessions for operators.
  • Virginia Department of Health, Office of Drinking Water (VDH-ODW) work to present asset management training to PWSs at conferences, seminars, webinars, etc.
  • Technical assistance providers assist with asset management planning. Four Capacity Development Program Coordinators conduct on-site technical assistance to small systems. VDH-ODW works with SERCAP and Virginia Rural Water Association to provide asset management and technical assistance.
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