South Dakota

Water Infrastructure Asset Management
South Dakota

South Dakota encourages the use of asset management and assesses water system’s needs for creating asset management plans. Funds and technical assistance are available for use.

MentorAPM in
South Dakota

The MentorAPM software suite includes libraries of asset care strategies for asset maintenance and Criticality Analyzer for assessing asset criticality across your whole asset portfolio.

Did you know

With 3 major rivers that cross north to south, and 4 that cross half the state east to west, South Dakota has more miles of shoreline (riverfront) than Florida (oceanfront.)

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • DWSRF set-aside funding for technical assistance programs which will support AM training.
  • DWSRF loans require completion of the Capacity Assessment Worksheets, which include asset management.


  • Asset management questions are included in the sanitary survey. PWSs are encouraged to develop an asset management plan utilizing available templates and spreadsheets.


  • All systems have access to asset management training. Examples include education, trainings provided by technical assistance providers, and Operator Training and Certification Programs that emphasize asset management planning.
  • Public education materials that address asset management and how it can be used to ensure compliance with water quality standards are available.
  • Asset management assistance is provided during technical assistance visits. Technical assistance providers will use the EPA’s Asset Management: Best Practices Guide when working with water systems to implement asset management. When necessary, technical assistance providers also help systems complete the Capacity Assessment Worksheets.
  • The new Water System Planning Manual includes asset management information.
  • South Dakota’s Capacity Assessment Worksheets address asset management questions.
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South Dakota
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