South Carolina

Water Infrastructure Asset Management
South Carolina

South Carolina has funds for small systems seeking asset management assistance that can be utilized for AM software implementation.

MentorAPM in
South Carolina

MentorAPM can work with technical assistance providers to support asset management efforts at small systems.

Did you know

The state’s shoreline has blended with the sea, creating unique wetland forest areas. The Congaree and Wateree rivers joined together to flood out, and the water never retreated.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Technical assistance to create AM plans can be paid for with DWSRF funds.
  • Small and disadvantaged systems can receive principal forgiveness funding with the DWSRF program.


  • South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control uses the sanitary survey to assess a system’s current asset management planning status.


  • South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control provides asset management training workshops for small water systems.
  • Information about asset management planning, AM trainings and funding is shared during the sanitary survey visit.
  • Technical assistance providers can directly assist small systems with asset management planning including identifying user-friendly and reasonably priced asset management software.


We invite you
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South Carolina
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