
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Ohio is a leader in requiring public water systems to have an asset management program. The minimum requirements of an asset management program are published in Ohio Administrative codes.

MentorAPM in

MentorAPM can help Ohio water agencies satisfy compliance obligations for demonstrating the active use of an asset management plan.

Did you know

The Ohio River is 981 miles long, starting at the confluence of the Allegheny and the Monongahela Rivers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and ending in Cairo, Illinois, where it flows into the Mississippi River.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Asset Management related projects can be funded by Ohio’s Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA).
  • Technical assistance for asset management programs can be funded by set-asides.
  • WSRLA loan eligibility requires submittal and review of an AM program. At least 90 days before the loan award, loan applicants must participate in an asset management screening.


  • Systems are required to develop an AM program by the Ohio Revised Codes (ORC) and Ohio Administrative Codes (OAC). State codes contain guidance outlining the minimum requirements for an AM program.
  • AM review is incorporated into the sanitary survey, and systems in need of an AM plan are identified.


  • Ohio provides training through set-asides to systems on asset management plans.
  • AM program requirements are conveyed during sanitary surveys, enforcement actions and on the website.
  • Technical assistance is available for developing and maintaining AM programs.
  • An AM program template is available for non-CWSs. State codes contain the minimum requirements for an asset management program.


  • The state tracks and analyzes annual metrics reports to further plan out asset management and measure capacity improvements.
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