North Dakota

Water Infrastructure Asset Management
North Dakota

North Dakota offers priority points for DWSRF applications for systems in need and works with technical assistance providers and in-house staff to provide asset management assistance to PWSs. Assistance includes training on criticality, capital plans, and operations and maintenance strategies.

MentorAPM in
North Dakota

The MentorAPM software suite includes libraries of asset care strategies for asset maintenance and Criticality Analyzer for assessing asset criticality across your whole asset portfolio.

Did you know

The Missouri River is one of the most significant waterways in North Dakota, stretching over 2,300 miles from its headwaters in Montana to its mouth in Missouri. In North Dakota, the river flows through several cities.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Existing water system qualified as disadvantaged can earn priority points on their applications.


  • The department continues to offer asset inventory training. Training can be contracted out to technical assistance providers or delivered by in-house staff. Training can be held in conjunction with operator certification training or conferences. Other asset management training includes evaluating asset criticality, how to develop CIPs and O&M strategies.
  • The state has hosted multiple public outreach events for input on asset management and other capacity.
  • Assistance to develop an asset management plan is available through many sources such as engineering firms, technical assistance providers, and other State agencies.
  • The self-evaluation capacity assessment includes AM questions.
We invite you
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North Dakota
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