North Carolina

Water Infrastructure Asset Management
North Carolina

North Carolina is one of the fastest growing states in the nation; droughts and aquifer degradation have posed challenges to their water systems and supply. Funding for asset management is available, as well as some training.

MentorAPM in
North Carolina

MentorAPM helps public water systems complete asset inventories and condition assessments which can be funded by grants from North Carolina's Viable Utility Reserve.

Did you know

Coastal North Carolinians rely on groundwater from the Coastal Plain aquifers. Unsustainable pumping rates threaten these aquifers, leading to saltwater intrusion and making the water unusable without costly desalinization.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Ten priority points on DWSRF applications can be earned by PWSs that develop and implement a full asset management plan.
  • The Asset Inventory and Assessment Grant is available from the Viable Utility Reserve for water systems to create asset inventories and assess the condition of them. These grants are available to water systems every three years.  


  • Division of Water Infrastructure provides training on how to apply for asset management funding and grants. Partner organizations, such as the North Carolina Rural Water Association and the University of North Carolina School of Government’s EFC, provide training on AM.
  • Assistance for AM planning is provided through the North Carolina Rural Water Association’s Circuit Riders program.
  • Guidance documents are available on the state’s PWS website.
We invite you
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North Carolina
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