
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Maryland includes asset management in guidance for Capacity Management and provides assistance to PWSs through assistance partners like SERCAP.

MentorAPM in

Public water system advisors and consultants can use MentorAPM asset management tools like Asset Collector, Criticality Analyzer and Asset Investment Planner to create asset inventories and develop asset management programs.

Did you know

Maryland’s population is over 5.8 million, and a significant majority, about 86%, are served by community water systems. The state has a vast number of public water systems, totaling 3,398, with 474 being community water systems.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • Asset management will be promoted in sanitary surveys. The sanitary survey currently asks questions pertaining to preventative maintenance, an aspect of AM.


  • ‍Training & technical assistance organizations meet with the state to provide aid and training. Operators and system administrators have access to applicable trainings on asset management.
  • For guidance on AM development, water systems are referred to technical assistance providers such as SERCAP. Systems are assessed by field staff to see if they would benefit from developing an asset management program.
  • Guidance on developing capacity management plans for PWSs can be found in the 2006 Maryland Department of the Environment Capacity Management Guidelines Maryland; it includes aspects of AM
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