
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Indiana requires that utilities certify that they have developed and executed an asset management before they can submit a project for funding. Similarly, any applications for construction permits to expand capacity must also show an implemented asset management plan.

MentorAPM in

It’s one thing to write an asset management plan - MentorAPM asset management tools make it easy for public water utilities to execute on their asset management plans to qualify for permits and funding.

Did you know

Indiana is home to the longest-known underground river in the United States, which flows through the Bluespring Caverns, a 21-mile-long cave system.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • To submit a project for funding, utilities must certify having completed and executed an AM program.  SRF loan grant recipients are required to “demonstrate that it has developed or is in the process of developing an asset management program as defined in the guidelines of its authority.”


  • Systems that apply for a construction permit to increase system capacity must certify that an AM plan has been fully implemented, per Indiana Code 13-18-26.
  • New community and NTNC systems are required to complete a water system management plan that includes AM, per the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM).
  • Asset management questions are being included in the sanitary survey to ascertain if utilities are employing AM; they also serve as an initial capacity review.


  • Technical assistance providers encourage and train utilities in AM principals and development. The Alliance of Indiana Rural Water provides both in-person training and online courses in AM.
  • In-person meetings conducted by the Capacity Development staff are scheduled for systems found to have capacity issues; discussions include capacity building and the development of an AM plan. Small systems are guided through the process of asset management planning by the RCAP technical assistance providers.


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