
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

All new water systems in Colorado are subject to an asset management review and prioritized asset management assistance is given to systems with deficiencies.

MentorAPM in

MentorAPM has three key team members in Colorado. Want to learn more about MentorAPM solutions? Meet up with Dave Stadelmann in Denver.

Did you know

Colorado is a headwaters state, supplying water to over five million Coloradans, 18 other states, and Mexico. The state consumes less than 40 percent of the 13.7 million acre-feet of streamflow originating annually within its borders due to interstate compacts and agreements.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • A TMF assessment identifying capacity deficiencies (including AM) is required every three years for systems requesting assistance; this provides a capacity score for the system.
  • Targeted assistance to improve AM capacity is offered to water systems; areas of assistance are identified via sanitary survey findings.
  • A special focus on capital needs and AM planning is in Colorado’s needs assessment.  


  • One-on-one water system training is provided through Colorado’s local assistance unit’s capacity coaching and training team and other Safe Drinking Water Program providers. Training slide decks, group training activities, and training for AM tools are utilized.
  • The Triennial Capacity Development Report to the Governor summarizes AM efforts.
  • All new water systems undergo Asset Management reviews. Systems with AM deficiencies are prioritized for assistance. AM tools and technical assistance resources are shared with technical assistance partners.
  • Asset inventory templates, O&M planning templates, CIP templates, regulatory guidance, and FAQ documents are available.


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