
Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Arkansas Department of Health awards DWSRF bonus points to water systems with up-to-date asset management plans and requires that mandatory Long-Range Plans include an asset management plan which must be updated every 5 years.

MentorAPM in

MentorAPM makes reporting on asset criticality and the current state of your assets easy for submitting updated asset management plans to your state department.

Did you know

Arkansas has over 90,000 miles of rivers and streams, including 10 major rivers like the Mississippi, Arkansas, Red, White, and Ouachita Rivers. The state is home to Mammoth Spring, the world’s 7th largest spring, with over nine million gallons of water flowing from it hourly at a constant temperature of 58°F.

Opportunities and Obligations

State Asset Management


  • ‍Water systems with up-to-date data AM plans are awarded 10 bonus points (using the priority criteria of the DWSRF) by the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH).
  • For small systems technical assistance, ADH utilizes set-asides from the DWSRF. AM plans are included in the assistance.


  • Retail water providers are required to complete a rate study, including inventory of essential assets, every five years, or before a major system update, per the state’s Oversight of Retail Water Providers, Act 605 of 2021. Systems are required to have a written Long-Range Plan (covering at least a 10 year period), per Section VII. I. of the state rules pertaining to PWSs. ADH now requires the long-range plan to include an AM plan. Every five years, the plan must be updated. It must address several components of asset management, including: critical assets, an operation & management plan (and operating budget), required sustainable level-of-service, and a description of the current state of the water system’s assets.

Asset Management Assistance Activities

  • Training and education on duties and responsibilities of systems operation and maintenance (including AM) is provided by CU for governing boards and staff.


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